

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


One thing that I learned about McDonald's is that they are only looking to business where they believe they will be successful. Also, McDonald's is no longer looking to expand their corporations because  they are happy with where there locations of their McDonald are. They are not looking to expand because the McDonald's fast food chains are doing very successful right now. One thing that I would like to know more about McDonald's is how much of their meat products are real meat.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Ted Talk

After watching this episode of Ted Talk, I noticed Tony Fadell used an example of pealing a fruit in the video. The first time you but a fruit, you have trouble pealing the sticker of, but after a few times ripping the sticker off comes easy to you. Eventually, pealing the sticker off is part of the routine for eating your fruit. Another example Tony Fadell used was when people first start driving. When people first start driving, they are so nervous with all of the other cars and pedestrians around, so they have troubling concentrating. After a few weeks of driving, you get used to your surroundings and eventually when your driving its like there not even there. The processes of getting used to something over time is habituation. Another example that Tony Fadell used of habituation is with the comedian Jerry Seinfeld. Jerry Seinfeld notices the little things to make his comedy act funny. People like Tony Fadell, who use habituation, notice the little things too.

One product that I remember that I could have changed for the better was when my little cousin got his first basketball. He was very little and could barely hold the ball, let alone shoot it. If I could have changed that product I would have made the ball smaller. Another example of a product I would change for the better is making trains quieter. I live near the train tracks and me and my neighbors hate the sound when the train pulls into the station. I would make the trains be quieter.

One design of a product that I like is the apple computers. The apple computers are always improving at are getting better. They started off as small computers and have ranged into great products.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Enron Scandal

Enron, one of the largest most wealthiest companies in the early 2000, eventually went bankrupt in 20001 one for many reasons. Their first mistake was hiring Jeffrey Skilling. Skilling and many of his fellows workers found loops hold where they hid billion of dollars in dept from failed projects and deals. Enron's stock price was $90.75 but eventually plummeted to $1. Share holders filed law suits against Enron for 40 billion dollars.  Many of the executives were sewed and some of them were sent to prison for a variety of charges.  Enron's $63.4 billion in assets made it the U.S.'s largest corporate bankruptcy until WorldCom's bankruptcy the next year.